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How To Make e-Learning Videos More Creative & Where Can They Be Used?

E Learning 3D Animation

When you are in the early learning space, you don't have the advantage to look at your audience and made changes according to their interest. A teacher in a classroom visually discerned who is paying attention and who is not and thus make the class s more engaging. With an e-learning course, the learner's engagement is almost entirely dependent on the course itself as there is no in-person presenter. If the learner loses interest then getting back to the video is much difficult as there is no one to sweep in and save them so to keep learners engaged the video should be interesting from the start. Animation for e learning is one of the best ways to keep the learners engaged throughout.

So How To Make e-Learning Videos More Creative?

  1. Add interactivity: Don't just talk to your audience with e-learning 3D animation but also give them a chance to interact with the course content as well. This can encourage engagement by actively involving the audience. One can also add interactivity by adding small quizzes after video to ensure that the knowledge is sticking. You can also break up the videos with a scenario to allow the learners to choose some accurate response to a situation. 
  2. Keep it concise: The studies have shown that engagement dips drastically after 6 minutes of video so the videos must be creative within the first six minutes or you might lose your audience. If you have a lengthy topic to cover try to find areas where a break wouldn't interrupt the flow, but the breaks are needed to make with video interactive. You can include a quiz for some segment in between to keep the learners sticking to it. Even the big lessons can be broken into digestible pieces. So keep your viewers engaged by keeping it short and to the point. 
  3. Blend visual media with your videos: Keep your videos visually interesting by using different types of media within the videos. You can add effects that can give the video an even more professional look. You can also use photos as background or props in animated videos. You need to pay close attention to the feedback on the courses and videos as you experiment with different types of visual media in the e-Learning videos. Over time, you can see which media perform best with the audience and replicate the success. 
  4. Gamify it: The practice of turning learning into a game that makes the course fun for the learners is best for increasing student and employee engagement and even motivate participants to try harder. Considered adding gamification whenever necessary to break up videos and make a course more engaging. There are quite a few companies that can help you out and build a video around gamification aligned the users to earn badges, compete with others, or accumulate points.

Where They Can Be Used? 

E-learning videos can be used for various purposes. First of all, in this pandemic situation e-learning is the need of the hour. From students of nursery class to employees, everyone needs e-learning videos to keep up with the pace. It has become necessary for everyone to use e-learning as a technique to climb the ladder of success. E learning 3D animation videos are used by Play Schools, regular schools, certification course providers, colleges, and also offices for employee engagement. If you are not using e-learning videos then seek the help of top-notch companies now. Visit the website to know more about them and choose the right company.